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Report 2003-06-13
Present: Willard McCarty, Andrew Wareham, Gabriel Bodard, David Rollason
- Andrew: as set out in an e-mail of 8 May, work had gone forward on a wide-ranging literature review of English and German scholarship with particular focus on the writings of Gerd Althoff.
- Harold Short had initiated discussions with Prof. Peter Robinson regarding the Anastasia software. There was now a need to talk further to Peter and also to examine the downloadable software
- Harold has also been investigating the Oxford Digital Archive’s Shakshapatri project as a possible model for the Liber Vitae
- It was noted further that Harold is on the Board of the TEI, and a formal working group was soon to issue a composite DTD for manuscript work. It was noted that analysis of the Liber Vitae
would have to reach an advanced stage before the adoption of a DTD.
- Gabby and Willard to investigate Anastasia, and to initiate, with Harold, further discussion with Peter Robinson.
- Further discussion to take place with the Oxford Digital Archive.
- Andrew, David and Alan to prepare a detailed scheme for the sample folios chosen by Alan, and Gabby to analyse the mark-up requirements on the basis of this.
- Thought to be given to recording all editorial decisions.
The meeting examined trial images supplied by the British Library and based on different lighting arrangements to render the silver and gold lettering. A decision was made in favour of durhtest2.tif (representing fol. 15r).
The British Library was asked if it could photograph openings rather than single leaves (this proved not to be possible) and was asked to adopt the maximum possible resolution and bit depth so that enhancement would be facilitated.
The following was agreed:
- David to send Gabby text for the web-site.
- David to ask Helen Gray to send Andrew the e-mail addresses of the advisory group. [It would be good if a group could be set up on the web-site which we could all use – can this be done?]
- Willard to discover whether Peter Robinson would be willing to attend the July seminar.
- David, Gabby and Andrew to make a composite presentation to the Oxford seminar, sponsored by the History Data Service, on 30 June.
- Willard to talk to Harold about constructing a timetable as set out in the application to AHRB. It was noted that this would soon become a matter of urgency.
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