English Bibliography
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Bijsterveld, A.-J. (1999).
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Studies 12: 384-413.
Blows, M. (1991). A
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Vitae: context and analogues. D. Rollason.
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Commemoration and Memorialization in a Yorkshire Context. Durham Liber
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Cheney, C. (1985). Two
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one-Personal Names.' Nomina 6: 51-71. [see literature survey]
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two- By-Names.' Nomina 7: 65-89. [see literature survey]
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Witness-List to Post-Conquest English Cultural Patterns: the Liber Vitae
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ser.): 179-216.
Constable, G. (1972).
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'Review of J. Wollasch (ed.), Synopse der cluniacensischen Necrologien.
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Commemoration of the Dead in the Early Middle Ages. Early Medieval Rome and
the Christian West. J. M. Smith: 169-95.
Cowdrey, H. E. J. (1965).
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Fleming, R. (1993).
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Forssner, T. (1916). Continental-Germanic
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Gameson, R. (1995). The
Role of Art in the Late Anglo-Saxon Church.
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Gerchow, J. (1988-89).
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eleventh century. C. Hicks: 219-38. [see literature survey]
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D. Rollason.
Geuenich, D. (1991). The St.
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Gneuss, H. (1985). Liturgical
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with Saints: prayer for the dead in early medieval France.
Moore, J. S. (1992).
'Family Entries in the Libri Vitae, c. 1050 to c. 1530: Part I.' Nomina
16: 99-128. [see literature survey]
Moore, J. S. (1994).
'Family Entries in the English Libri Vitae, c. 1050 to c. 1530: part
II.' Nomina 18: 77-118. [see literature survey]
Paxton, F. S. (1990). Christianizing
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Peock, D. (1982).
'Cluniac Necrologies: a status report.' Medieval Prosopography
3: 27-62.
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and the North. D. Rollason: 161-201.
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Vitae: context and analogues. D. Rollason.
Searle, W. G. (1897). Onomasticon
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Smart, V. (1968). Moneyers of
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Suecia reperties: 191-276.
Tsurushima, H. (1992).
'The Fraternity of Rochester Cathedral Priory about 1100.' Anglo-Norman
Studies 14: 313-37. [see literature survey]
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of Ramsey Abbey. Negotiating Secular and Ecclesiastical Power: Western
Europe in the Central Middle Ages. A.-J. Bijsterveld, Teunis H.B., Wareham,
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German Bibliography
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Westphalia XL, Westphalian Commemorative Books and Necrologies]. Münster.
Althoff, G. (1983).
Necrologabschriften aus Sachsen im Reichenauer Verbrüderungsbuch. [Necrology
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Althoff, G., and Wollasch,
J., Ed. (1983). Die Totenbücher von
Merseburg, Magdeburg und Lüneburg. [The Annals of the Dead of Merseburg,
Magdeburg and Lüneburg]. Monumenta Germanica Historica: Libri Memoriales et
Necrologia, n.s. 2. Hanover.
Althoff, G. (1984). Adels- und Königsfamilien im Spiegel der
Memorialüberlieferung: Studien zum Totengedenken der Billunger and der Ottonen.
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Althoff, G. (1986). Zur
Verflechtung der Führungsschichten in den Gedenkquellen des frühen 10.
Jahrhunderts. [On the Interconnections between the Leading Figures in the
Memorial Records of the early 10th century]. Medieval Lives and the Historian: Studies in Medieval Prosopography.
N. Bulst, and Genet, J.P. Kalamazoo: 37-71.
Althoff, G. (1987).
''Unüberwindliche Schwierigkeiten' ? Eine Entgegnung
['Insoluble Difficulties' ? A Reply].' Zeitschrift für Geschichte des Oberheins. [Journal for Upper Rhine
History] 135: 100-2.
Althoff, G., and Schmid, K.
(1989 (at press)). Amicitiae:
Kommentierte Dokumentation einer Bündnisbewegung durch Verbrüderungen und
Freundschaften im beginnenden 10. Jahrhundert. [Amicitiae: A Documentation with
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early 10th Century]. Hanover.
Althoff, G. (1992). Amicitae und Pacta: Bündnis, Einung, Politik
und Gebetsgedenken im beginnenden 10. Jahrhundert. [Amicitiae and Pacta: Bonds,
Unification, Politics and Commemoration in Prayer in the early 10th Century].
Hanover. [See literature survey]
Althoff, G., and Wollasch, J. (2000), Bleiben die Libri Memoriales
stumm? Eine Erwiderung auf H. Hoffmann. [Must the Libri Memoriales
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Friese, E., Geuenich, D., and Wollasch, J., Ed. (1986). Das
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n.s. 3 B. Hanover.
Gerchow, J. (1988). Der Gedenküberlieferung der Angelsachsen,
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Berlin and New York.
Geuenich, D. (1975).
'Die ältere Geschichte von Pfäfers im Spiegel der Mönchlisten des Liber
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Geuenich, D. (1976). Die Personennamen der Klostergemeinschaft
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J., Ed. (1988). Das Martyrolog-Necrolog
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Neiske, F., Ed. (1979). Das ältere Necrolog von S. Savino in
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Oexle, O. G. (1978). Forschungen zu monastischen und geistlichen
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Oexle, O. G. (1979).
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and Commemorative Tradition in the Early Middle Ages].' Frühmittelalterliche Studien. [Early
Medieval Studies] 10: 70-96.
Oexle, O. G. (1983). Die
Gegenwart der Toten. [The Dead in the Present]. Death in the Middle Ages, Medievalia Lovanensia. H. Braet, and
Verbeke, W.: 19-77.
Oexle*, O. G. (1983). Memoria: der historische
Zeugniswert liturgischen Gedenkens im Mittelalter. [Memoria: The Historical
Value as Evidence of liturgical Commemoration in the Middle Ages]: 384-440.
Sauer, H. (1983). 'Die
72 Völker und Sprachen der Welt: ein mittelalterliche Topos in der englischen
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Sauer, H. (1993). Fundatio und Memoria: Stifler und
Klostergrunder im Bild. 1100 bis 1350. [Foundation and Memory].
Schmid, K. (1967). 'Über
das Verhältnis von Person und Gemeinschaft im früheren Mittelalter. [On the
Relationship between the Person and the Community in the early Middle
Ages].' Frühmittelalterliche
Studien. [Early Medieval Studies] 1: 225-49.
Schmid, K. (1974). 'Programmatisches
zur Erforschung der mittelalterlichen Personen und Personengruppen.
[Programming issues relating to research into medieval people and social
groups].' Frühmittelalterliche
Studien. [Early Medieval Studies] 8(5): 116-30.
Schmid, K., and Oexle, O.G.
(1974). 'Voraussätzungen und Wirkung des Gebetsbundes von Attigny.
[Requirements and Effects of the Prayer Alliance of Attigny].' Francia 2.
Schmid, K., and Wollasch, J.
(1975). 'Societas et Fraternitas: Begründung eines kommentierten
Quellenwerkes zur Erforschung von Personen und Personengruppen des
Mittelalters. [Societas et Fraternitas: Reasons for an annotated Work on the
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Medieval Studies] 9: 1-48.
Schmid, K., Geuenich, D., and
Wollasch, J. (1977). 'Auf dem Weg zu einem neuen Personennamenbuch des
Mittelalters. [On the Route to a new Personal Name Book for the Early Middle
Ages].' Onoma 22: 355-83.
Schmid, K., and others, Ed.
(1978). Die Klostergemeinschaft von Fulda
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Schmid, K. (1979). 'Das
Liturgische Gebetsdenken in seiner historischen Relevanz am Beispiel der
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Prayer and its Historical Relevance, using the Confraternity Movement of the
early Middle Ages as an Example].' Freiburger
Diözesan-Archiv. [Freiburg Diocesan Archive] 99 [IC]: 20-44.
Schmid, K. (1982). Wer waren
die 'fratres' von Halberstadt aus der Zeit von König Heinrich I. [Who were the
'brothers' of Halberstadt at the time of King Henry I]. Festschrift für Berent Schwinekoeper. [Festschrift for Berent
Schwinekoeper]. H. Maurer, Patze, H. Sigmaringen: 117-40.
Schmid, K., and Wollasch, J.,
Ed. (1983). Der Liber Vitae der Abtei
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Corvey: Introduction, Index, Facsimile]. Veröffentlichungen der
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Nekrologie. [Publications of the Historical Commission for Westphalia:
Westphalian Confraternity Books and Necrologies]. Wiesbaden.
Schmid, K. (1983). Probleme
der Erschliessung des Salzburger Verbrüderungsbuches. [Problems in accessing
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Schmid, K. (1984). 'Zur
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Schmid, K. (1985). 'Zum
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Schmid, K. (1986). Das
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English Literature Survey
Bijsterveld (1999), The Commemoration of Patrons and
Gifts in Chronicles
This article arises out of a research project on gift
exchange as an agent of social and political integration and challenges the
idea that charters, chronicles and memorial texts should necessarily be placed
in discrete categories to inform the histories of property, law, politics and religion. The author argues that each of these
texts fulfilled a
multipliciy of secular and ecclesiastical functions, drawing up modern
authorites such as Fichtenau, Johanek and Geary to illustrate the point for
charters and chronicles. In relation to memorial records, he quotes, Oexle* (1983):
'memoria was not only a religious phenomenon, but also included the
assurance of legal interests and possessions, historiography and legal memory'
(p. 394).
Bijsterveld looks at a group of sources in relation to three
monastic houses to illustrate interlocking aspects of these arguments, and in
relation to the overlapping roles of memorial books and cartulary-chronicles
focuses upon the example of the texts of the abbey of Saint-Hubert in the
He rejects the view that there were fifty-three 'lost'
charters and suggests that they may never have existed. He goes on to observe that the
Chronicle only records the gifts of high status owners, and encourages
historians to make greater use of the memorial text (the liber capituli)
of the abbey. It commemorates benefactors, including those of lower social
origins, whose names were recited daily etc. In short, the LC provides a more comprehensive
(if not as detailed) record of gift exchanges between the secular and
ecclesiastical spheres than the Chronicle.
Blows (1991), A Glastonbury obit list
This article draws attention to an under-used source, a
unique list of twenty-seven obits, relating to Glastonbury abbey. Blows
observes that it must have been compiled from earlier documents in several
stages and that the list reached its present form well before the date of the
present manuscript.
He suggests that the list of the earliest abbots in the obit list is connected to the
endowments which these men made in establishing the community, and demonstrates
through later examples links between gifts and inclusion in the list. Also
makes the point that the source enables us to identify otherwise unknown obits of lay
benefactors and abbots of Glastonbury.
Burton (1979), A confraternity list
This article begins by providing a descriptive analysis of
the manuscript, pointing out that it was written by one major hand and three
secondary hands, and embodied materials from the period before c. 1180. It is
an unusual text in comparison to its counterparts because of the large numbers
of religious houses with which the York community established relationships. Burton
notes that this included houses which were not Benedictine communities and the
links which were established over great distances, notably with twenty religous houses
in France. Burton draws attention to way in which
confraternity relationships could support a range of other links (political
Clark (1976), People and Languages in post-Conquest
This article uses onomastics, supplemented by analysis of
hands and languages of the manuscript to investigate
the interaction between English and French in the post-Conquest period at
Canterbury. Linguistic biases of the scribes are investigated as well as
nicknames. Clark concludes that the domination of English is demonstrated by
its exclusive use to describe topographical features, and it was not superseded
by French although the two languages remained in competition. In terms of
personal names, French forms even when coupled with Anglo-Saxon personal names
were on the whole less original and picturesque than English ones.
Clark (1978), Womens' Names in Post Conquest England
This articles focuses upon womens' names as way of analysing
the relations between the Normans and the English in the post-Conquest period.
Clark rejects the view that naming patterns were a product of fashion, and
draws upon examples of aristocrats, monks, burgesses and peasants from a range
of local studies (English and French).
She suggests that in an English context womens' names were
much more likely to be insular, archaic and drawn from a relatively narrow
stock of common names. Those developments are in turn connected to greater
immigration by men from France into England combined with the tendency for
daughters rather than sons to be named after their mothers and other kinswomen.
She concludes this essay: 'high politics tells one tale, and tells it in a
clear and dominating voice; but the story quietly lived out in the towns and in
manor houses has a different theme as well as a different style'.
Clark (1979), Clark's First Three Laws of Anthroponymics
1. In any homogeneous community, naming behaviour will
remain constant, except when disturbed by outside influence.
2. In any community previously characterized by uniform
naming-behaviour, reactions to a uniform outside influence will likewise be
3. In any homogeneous community, any variations in the
effects of an outside influence on naming-behaviour will be proportional to
variations in the strength of that influence.
Clark draws upon a series of local and regional studies
which make use of sources ranging from saints' lives to charters and feets of
fines on personal names to demonstrate relationships between densities of
setttlement by Scandinavians and onomastic evidence. She also notes that
amongst womens' names Scandinavian forms are less common than for mens' forms,
similar to Clark's conclusions for the Anglo-Norman period.
Clark (1980), An anthroponymist
looks at an Anglo-Norman new town
This article combines the evidence of onomastics with the
narrative of the Battle Abbey Chronicle to argue for a high degree of
cosmopolitanism within an urban context.
Clark notes, moreover, that although there are insufficient numbers of womens' names to
sustain a study. There is discussion of patronymics, occupational names etc.
She concludes that there was a high degree of immigration into Battle from
Normandy by burgesses and a high degree of cultural assimiliation between
French and English languages and people within the town.
Clark (1982), Early personal names of King's Lynn:
Baptismal names
The author follows a familiar framework to suggest that
twelfth-century England affords an ideal laboratory for testing personal names
as a source which can reveal the balance between several competing alliances,
not in black and white, but in gradations through time and space. She concludes
that womens' names were about a generation more old fashioned than the
corresponding names for men and connects that time-lage to lower densities of
settlement by women.
Clark (1983), Early personal names of King's Lynn:
This complementary article starts off by observing some of
the differences between by-names and baptismal names as sources of evidence.
Clarke notes that not all patronymic, occupational and residential quailifiers
found in this material represent forms in regular eveyday use, and bear the
signs of having been invented on ad-hoc basis by the scribe. She notes that
analysis of by-names requires more than etymological analysis, and notes
problems of analysis caused by the fact that by-names lack the semantic context
of baptismal names. By-names can be divided into the following categories: (a)
family relationships; (b) place-names; (c) occupation or rank; (d)
miscelleneous characteristics. As regards (b) we can distinguish between
(i) locative place-names (ii) topographical elements
derived from the rural/urban landscape;
(iii) places of present domicile and (iv) family origins. The author goes on to
note, following McKinley, that the transference of mens' by-names to their
wives only became a regular custom after c. 1400. More detailed discussion
follows looking at issues such as contrasts between the use of common
occupational by-names and those more related to trades closely associated with
King's Lynn; and discussion of place by-names in relation to King's Lynn's
immediate hinterland and further afield.
Clark (1985), British Library Additional MS. 40,000, ff. 1v.-12r
In this article Clark provides an overview of the manuscript, followed by
a description of the ways in which the spellings of names changes in terms of
preferences. She moves on to discuss whether enrolments made by
diverse hands were normally contemporaneous with the lives of the
names of those who were enterred. She goes on to raise questions such
as whether family members from different generations are enrolled
together, and who was the prime mover. Discussion is also given over
to whether figures such as the wife of the archdeacon may be referring
to the wife of Henry of Huntingdon. Ends by asking why the Thorney
Liber Vitae fell into disuse during the second quarter of the twelfth
century, and suggests may be connected to some general change in
liturgy and theology.
Clark (1985), The Liber Vitae of Thorney Abbey and its catchment area
The author starts off by making the point that there is no lay settlement
at Thorney and hence that its catchment area relates to the areas from
which its donors and patrons resided. In this context Clark makes the
point that figures such as Odo 'of Beverley' in all likelihood
belonged not to a Yorkshire, but a Huntingdonshire family. By making
the links between Red Book of Thorney and the Liber Vitae of Thorney,
Clark demonstrates the links between temporal, spiritual and economic
Clark (1987), A Witness to Post-Conquest English Cultural Patterns
Clark turns to the evidence of changing personal names to discuss shifts
in the use of personal names as changing evidence of cultural patterns.
Following on from earlier comparisons of the Thorney Liber Vitae and the
Red Book of Thorney she discusses wider issues such as the links
between the appearance of names in the Liber Vitae, providing gifts
to Thorney and recruitment of oblates from those families. As in
earlier article, Clark then turns attention to look at relationships
between script and spelling variations, and notes that variations for
womens' names are much greater than for men which could perhaps be
related to differences in documentary coverage.
Constable (1972), Review of the Liber Memorialis of
The reviewer begins by commentating that the key to advances
in medieval studies lies not in the discovery of previously unknown sources but
in the use of materials previously regarded as useless.
Constable then moves on to outline the division of the LMR text, which
comprises (a) commemoration book with around 11,500 names (b) three full
necrologies (c) cartulary containing records of 3,000 grants (d) a rent book. Contrasts LMR
with DLV, a 'pure and simple' liber vitae, and goes on to discuss one of the distinctive
features of the LMR; namely the high-proportion of short commemoration entries,
many of them probably made in the presence of individuals named.
He then goes on to describe the technical apparatus provided
by the study, notably the way in which each entry, whether unified or scattered
on the page, is given a unit/number. The reviewer goes on to provide a critical
analysis of the indices, and then moves on to discuss Oskar Mitis's work on
establishing family relationships (pp. 266-70). This discussion forms the core of the review article. He points
out that family relationships can be identified through internal evidence—repetition etc. This
enables the historian to construct kinship charts (as distinct from
genealogical trees) showing the links between influential families and
individuals over wide areas and time periods. Within this
framework Constable goes on to discuss different secular and ecclesiastical
ranks, beginning with high-ranking seculars. Notes inter alia that the mention
of fifty bishops from the ninth and tenth centuries witnesses the widespread
influence of Remiremont at this stage, and discusses the wider kinship circle
of the nun, Geza, and the advocate, Gerard, as discussed by Hlawitschka. In
discussion of donation entries—above (c)—goes on to discuss lower social
ranks connected with the abbey.
Constable ends the review with general comments on
commemorative records as representing 'older and less personal current of
spirituality, in which groups of men and women bound by ties of kinship stood
together in battle against oblivion, confidant that their memory, enshrined in
prayers and masses of the nuns, would find them favour in the eyes of the
almighty'. (p. 277)
Constable (1985), Review of Synopse der cluniacenischen
This review article provides a review of a series of Cluniac
necrologies, which with one exception were previously unpublished. Constable
notes that these materials will be useful to philologists, prosopographers,
demographers and the study of monasticism and medieval society generally, but
warns many scholars will find these editions 'incomprehensible' and it will
only be used by a few. He notes that it provides a source for the names of 96,000 dead
people, with just over half comprising Cluniac monaches, the rest being familiares.
He discusses the ways in which a system of arrows
identifies repetition of names, references to dates, and attention is drawn to the variation between different months; in
one month women's names comprise a third of the entries, but in another month only four percent.
The review also provides an outline of the introductory
material, divided between (a) introduction and indices—introduction provides
commentary on Cluniac necrologies generally by Wollasch; (b) Neiske on
preparation and presentation of material; (c) lemmatization of personal names;
(d) description of the manuscript.
Fleming (1993),
Christ Church's sisters and brothers
This article provides a descrition of the manuscripts
relating to the commemoration of benefactors at Christ Church, Canterbury. In a
tabular form sets out the details of B.L. manuscript Cotton Nero C ix, fos. 19r-21v; fos.
3-18v.; Cotton Galba E iii, 2, fos. 32r-34r and indices of people and places
pp. 124-53. It is prefaced by an introduction which enables the author to
comment that the Canterbury calendars give us a different picture of the
community's benefactors than do the charters, bringing all of the people who
participated in gifts into the nexus of Christ Church's prayers.
Fleming (1994),
History and Liturgy at Pre-Conquest Christ Church
This article provides an analysis of texts discussed in
Fleming (1992). The author observes that these sources have either been misused
or underused, and notes that 'no one has ever attempted to understand the
relationships of each of these Christ Church texts to others or a variety of
pre-Conquest material emanating from Canterbury' (p. 68). The author begins by
discussing Oswulf's ninth-century charter in favour of the community at Christ
Church which deals with the obligations of commemoration placed upon the
community in exchange for gifts. The author notes that no longer extant
obituary evidence reached back into the eighth century, that it would have been
impossible for the community to keep track of the dates, deaths and rituals
without accounting methods. Discussion then moves on to assess the ways in
which these obituary texts do not provide comprehensive coverage of donors and
patrons. Partly that stems from the tendency of donors to organize their
commemoration days on saints' feasts days etc., but it also arose from
subsequent pruning and editing of commemorative records by the Canterbury
community. For example, the fact that the Mercian kings were memorialized for
gifts which were restitutions of property originally given by members of
competing dynasties suggests that material was reworked. Fleming then discusses
of the erasures of the names of the late eighth and ninth-century allies of
Mercian hegemony as a result of increasing West Saxon hegemony in the third quarter
of the ninth century. Attention is then shifted towards the removal of clerks'
names from the obituary lists so as to provide a more monastic image of the
community. The article concludes with that obituary lists are more to do with
the history of monastic property as with the histories of patrons.
Gerchow (1988-9), 'Societas et fraternitas': a
report on research project
The article written by Gerchow is helpful in identifying
three major strands of scholarship by German scholars, noting that early
medieval commemorative records have attracted far more attention than their
later medieval counterparts. These strands comprise:
(a) study of the
context in which commemorative records developed—notably work by Angenendt
(b) development of
monastic life—notably the internal organization of houses and their
relationships with the secular world—notably work of Wollasch on Cluniacs
(c) illumination of associations which linked social
groupings and households, notably work by Althoff and Schmid.
Developing out of these three schemes other scholars have
focused upon new sets of methodologies:
Friese: (Studien zum Einzugsberich der
Klostergemeinshaft) brought together onomastics and prosopography to explore
familial, social, institutional and territorial connections of around 600 monks
brought together onomastic and philological studies to look at name
frequencies, status of the bearers of the different types of names, phonology
and orthography.
The following methodological tools were adopted:
a. lemmatization of all personal names using DMP {Datenbank
zur Erforschung mittelaltericher Personen und Personnengruppen} distinguishing
between name word themes, suffixes and inflections index of uncertain readings
c. an index of name-entries with territorial bynames
d. an index of titles
e. an index of place-names
f. identification of entries by scribe—with full
descriptions of the hand if it appears more than five times.
In general the variations in the format of the memorial
books has sustained different forms of
analysis, with a close analogy between the Salzburg structuring of names with
that which appears in the DLV. Moreover, research tools developed in this study
have led to cognate initiatives, such as Borgholte and Geuenich which has
provided lemmatized index for all the names in the St. Gallen charter collection.
Gerchow (1992),
Prayers for King Cnut
This article focuses upon the frontispiece to the New
Minster Liber Vitae, which depicts King Cnut and Queen Emma together offering a
large cross to the community. The author compares it with the depiction of
Edgar in the New Minster charter, and goes on to discuss differences, such as
the deptictions of their respective crowns. Gerchow discusses continental context (notably
Ottonian) for the donations of crosses, and suggests that at least three
elements in the frontispiece explicitly recall Ottonian elements. The
discussion then moves onto the Liber
Vitae itself, and suggests in passing that it contains strong evidence of a
reform impulse. He suggests that Cnut's prominence in a series of commemorative
records was linked to the wish to legitimize himself as a conqueror.
Moore (1992), Family
Entries in the Libri Vitae
The author begins by commenting that the libri vitae are the
earliest source for English family historians and demographers (tribal
hidage?). He observes that although social and economic historians focus upon
manorial surveys, courts rolls etc., such texts were regarded as being as far
less significant than other texts such as memorial records. Moore then reviews
the ways in which Clarke used these texts to pursue studies of onomastics,
etymology, prosopography etc., and then goes on to note sex imbalances in these
texts. After remarks on the feudal age, attention shifts to the thirty-three
entries in the Hyde abbey Liber Vitae. A prosopographical analysis follows,
similar to Tsurushima (1992)
Moore (1994), Family
entries in the Libri Vitae
The author provides
a review of the ways in which Clark used the Thorney Liber Vitae to discuss
issues such as intermarriage between English and Normans. The author then
provides a discussion of forty-eight family entries in the Thorney Liber Vitae
using prosopographical analysis.
Tsurushima (1992), The
fraternity of Rochester cathedral priory
The author begins by providing a list of post-Conquest
(1066) lords who entered into fraternityship with the monastic community of
Rochester, ranging from the baronial rank to lower-ranking Anglo-Saxon nobles
whose status had changed as a result of the Norman Conquest. Tsurushima sets
out the thirty-two confraternity texts in full, and discusses the members of
each group, on occasion providing family trees and making use of
prosopographical analysis. These enables him to reconstruct one or two small
communities in the parish context. The article ends by taking issue with
Cowdrey's views that confraternity bonds established vertical not
horizontal bonds and points to a series of long
and short distance 'horizontal' relationships. Tsurushima equates
confraternityship with burial in the monastic graveyard and argues that
Rochester's monastic graveyard was expanded to meet secular needs but not much
evidence is provided.
German Literature Survey
Althoff, G. (1992). Amicitae und Pacta
This extended
introduction provides a new context for the development, context and purpose of
commemorative records as well as setting out various issues relating to
methodology. The core of the argument is in chapters three-five. Two provides a
general discussion of the stabilization of lordship under Henry I and six a
discussion of why the use of these texts declined under Otto I.
Chapter one provides
a general discussion of the Carolingian context of commemorative records, the
obligations and relationships which stemmed from mutual prayers for souls, and
the ways in which different aspects of a common theme (namely the role of
friendship and union in creating social and political cohesion) manifests
itself in a range of sources. Chapter three provides a discussion of the
evidence, and focuses upon the confraternity books of Reichenau and St. Gallen,
the Liber Memorialis of Remiremont
and the Death Annals of Fulda. It discusses the alliances between these
monasteries, and the significance of issues such as the use of space in the
text which had originally been reserved for other entries. Chapter four looks
at the structure of the entries, their interconnections and the phenomenon,
contra Mitis' work (see Constable (1972)), Althoff concludes 'to regard the
order as based on families or relations would not satisfactorily explain most
of the evidence' (p. 53). After demonstrating this negative conclusion, Althoff
demonstrates that names entered at the same time belonged to different social
groups, and hence that their entries were connected to processes of unification
and peace. He connects the development of entries to the struggles between
groups, and notes for example that entries are connected 'to the formation
of parties in Eastern Franconia and reflects the attempts of the Conradiners to
ally themselves with the local nobility in the area' (p. 65). The author's
explanation also explains why such a large majority of names are not to be
found in other sources, since it represents an alliance strategy between
leading dynasties and local landowners. This leads to the conclusion that
groups of people listed in the confraternity books need not have any connection
with abbeys and their monks. The author also demonstrates a link between
restitutions of monastic property and inclusion in memorial texts. Within
chapter four there is also a discussion of the Anglo-Saxon embassy to St.
In chapter five
attention is shifted towards the role of external factors in explaining the
ways in which the use of confraternity books flourished in the area of
Alemannia/Upper Lorraine. The author concludes this chapter by noting that 'the
presence of entries in such numbers, and at such length from all areas of the
realm is primarily explained by the huge efforts of all the political
power-sources at the time to arm themselves in every possible way against the
Hungarians' (p. 82). He begins by noting the links between prayers and
intercessions through prayers as a means to defeating the Hungarians, and
identifies the Worms Diet (926) as the key turning point. Original documents,
moreover, specify intercession through prayer as part of that secular and
ecclesiastical programme. By being able to date the entries, Althoff is also
able to show that many of the entries correlate with the synods of 932, and in
terms of content are consistent with the actions sought by the synods. For a
few years after those synods the names of members of families were sent out to
different monasteries to have their names consolidated in the names of the
dead. He observes that in moments of military crisis the importance which was
given to confraternity books; thus the monks of St. Gallen not only took their
treasures but also their commemorative records into castles.
In the conclusion
(chapter seven) Althoff provides a summary of the issues raised in the
introduction. He notes the importance of friendship and union generally and
that great social divides were consciously bridged. The politics of unions had
a positive echo in all parts of the realm and the surviving evidence in the
commemorative records is to be regarded as the tip of the iceberg. He discusses
the critical role of Henry I, and the links between unions of prayers,
rebuilding of destroyed churches and the return of alienated property. Althoff,
though, rejects a mono-causal explanation, noting that large numbers of entries
were made before the initiatives against the Hungarians and focuses upon the
Babenberger feud, the overthrow of King Zwentibold etc. as explanatory factors.
Finally he suggests that comparative analysis can be applied to the Liber Vitae
of Brescia, and functions of the Peace of God Movement.
Althoff, G., and Wollasch, J. (2000),
Bleiben die Libri Memoriales stumm?
The authors respond to the criticisms which are made by Hoffmann of
the thesis put forward by Althoff (1992). Hoffmann criticized the
methodologies of Althoff and others in the types of information which
can be gained from memorial texts, and more specifically why the use
of these sources flourished during the reign of Henry I. Various
counter comments on the criticisms raised by Hoffmann are made,
notably that scholars do not need to be certain of the personal
identity of each person in order to discuss the composition and
significance of groups. In relation to the importance of Henry I's
reign the authors reiterate the point that an exceptionally high
number of names were entered during his reign, and that the entering
of names cannot be reduced to a question of fashion.